Win a Culinary Vacation to Korea or a Samsung Galaxy Tab! Blogging Contest
One of our sponsors, is running a blogging contest on their website. All you have to do is to apply to be a blogger and then post stories, pictures, or videos on Korean food, restaurants, or recipes. You can post directly through their wordpress portal or you can e-mail stories directly by sending them to 

The top prize is a 4 day 3 night culinary vacation in Korea with an open ticket to come when you would like. Second Prize is a Samsung Galaxy Tab and Third Prize is a Samsung TL500 Camera! There are Honorary Prizes of Korean Gift Food Sets

The judging criteria is:

30% Number of posts
20% Total Number of all “Thumbs Up” Votes on the posts per blogger
50% Quality of written posts, photos, and video

I heard that not many people have started posting stories on the website yet, so you have a good chance of winning. Go here for more details. 

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