Theatre: 10 good reasons not to go home PICS AND POSTER

10 Good Reasons Not to Go Home

Probationary Theatre is proud to announce the return season of last year’s sell out comedy 10 Good Reasons Not To Go Home.

The comedy takes a satircal and no holds barred look at the problems in Western society in the form of 10 not so nice, but oh so recognisable characters from back home.
Shining light on the greed, corruption, hypocrisy and sheer stupidity that we all have to deal with when we go back, this clever, laugh out loud comedy should not be missed.
Tickets are W15,000 at Probationary Theatres new venue, White Box Theatre near Hyochang Park Stn. (line 6, ex. 2).

Friday May 20, 9pm 
Saturday May 21,6pm and 9pm
Sunday May 22, 4pm
Tickets 15,000won.

Directions to white box Theatre:
Go out of exit 2 of Hyochang Park station but do not walk straight ahead. Instead, walk towards Hyochang Stadium. Take the first right at Eco & Deco Flower Shop and head up the slight hill. You should see Cosmai Cafe on your right.WBT is next door in the basement.
Korean directions: 
효창공원역2번출구에서 나와
효창운동장방양으로 가세요
가는길에 보이는 꽃집에서 오른쪽으로 가세요코스마이 카페 옆에 있는 건물 지하에 White Box Theatre가 있습니다
(도보로 3분 소요)
At Probationary Theatre

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