Watch out world

Dan is going to start cooking (again) today.

Recipe #1

Salmon burritos with garlic butter rice.

I made Poached Salmon burritos with sauteed spinach and garlic butter
rice. It didn't work.

it needed something crisp- either sprouts or a crisp lettuce. I need
to add pine nuts to the rice. It'll add a richness.

I need a lemon salsa or something lemony. The aciditic refresher
will heighten the richness of the salmon.

Poached Salmon is not going to work. Broiled or grilled will work.

Spinach isn't going to work without some sort of flavoring. Spinach
and salt isn't going to cut it.

Oh, and the rice. I need to use chicken stock. It'll deepen the
flavor. Pine nuts and Chicken Stock will make this a premium dish.

If I really wanted to take this up to a restaurant level, I would
have to use a naan bread as the tortilla. I don't have the resources
now, but making naan in a broiler is possible--it's difficult but

Avocado? If I'm going to use naan. I should mix it with a lime
yogurt??? Lime, avocado and yogurt would work wonderfully.

Finished dish. (Which I don't have the resources to make....right
now...I'm in Korea damn it.)

Broiled salmon with butter garlic pine nut rice wrapped in naan with
broccoli sprouts and cucumber topped with a lime yogurt dressing and
zested with lemon.

It should be served with steamed broccoli and cauliflour and sliced
lemon for a garnish.

I was just thinking....cilantro would be a nice herb in the lime
yogurt dressing.


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