6th Grade week of April 24th, Family Feud Game

HDR Rainbow
Originally uploaded by Digitaler Lumpensammler.
I asked 100 Korean 6th graders this question. What is their favorite food?

40 Pizza
27 Fried Chicken
13 Kim-chi
14 Ramen
6 Steak

Favorite Subject at School

33 Physical Education
25 Math
17 Art
12 English
6 Music
7 Science

Favorite Singer or Music Group

28 Dong Ban Shingi 동방신기
25 Super Junior
17 SS501
12 BoA
10 G.O.D.
8 Bi

Favorite TV show or Drama
35 X-Man
20 Love Letter
17 Palace Story
17 Sunday Night Show
11 Truth Game

43 Palace Story
33 Naruto
10 One Piece
9 Inuyasha
5 Bleach

60 Korean
22 English
18 Japanese

Harry Potter Character
33 Hermione Granger
21 Harry Potter
19 Albus Dumbledore
16 Ron Weasley
6 Sirius Black
5 Ginny Weasley

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