A Sunday in Insadong

No I didn't eat my dog.^^
I went to Insadong over the weekend and ate some Taengjang Bibimbap at 툇마루. (739-5683). Awesome place and the food is vegetarian, well the taengjang bibimbap is. I went out with my friend Amanda and my new friend Jae Young. I was on a scouting mission for writing, so these two had to walk around everywhere with me. They were troopers.
We went to Doorei. Which is an upscale Korean place. Then we went to a cool papbingsu place that serves their papbingsu in a 냄비 which is a copper bowl usually used for making ramen. It was a good weekend until I tried to get home and I ran into thousands of protesters parading against the Korean import of American Beef.
I came home, made coleslaw, made a sandwich with meat I got from Chef Meili's and then did a little writing before bed. It was a good Sunday.
Thanks Amanda and Jae Young!