Steve Hatherly from TBS efm radio eats Bundaeggi 번데기

This was a hilarious show because we gave Steve a challenge to eat bundaeggi on the air. He had never eaten it before and he was adamantly opposed to eating it. We made a deal; if 15 listeners sent text messages to Steve to eat it then, he would eat 5. As soon as he said it, 20 callers texted in. Later we revised the questions so he would eat it if that day's show would topple the previous record of messages. In the next 10 minutes we got another 60 or so messages for a total of 82 for the day. Here is Steve eating the bundaeggi.

Oh, and that's me on the air with him. You can listen to the Steve Hatherly Show 7 days a week from 2-4pm on TBS efm 101.3 in Seoul. You can listen to it online by going to

Just hit the On Air button to get Internet streaming.

And I found some other videos of people eating it as well. Here is Mary from

And here I am as well.


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