My Favorite Bakery in Seoul: Retro Oven
At first his shop was not popular because he served up authentic, hearty German loaves. The problem is that Koreans like bread that is softer and lighter. His best seller is a light, airy cibatta bread. It seems like the average Korean palate prefers a fluffy, processed white bread. I know that's not everybody, but I've found that many Koreans like this type of bread because it is similar to snow-white rice cake (Baekseolgi, 백설기). Anyway, he said after he changed his bread to a softer, whiter loaf- his business took off. Oh, and he would also give strawberry jam and butter as service.
If you look closely, Mr. Pack will bake up the loaves by time. For example, if you want big pretzels. they will be ready at 12pm. If you want a fresh loaf of bread, they are ready at 1:30 and 5pm.
Retro Oven
Open from 12pm-7pm
Closed on Sunday, Holidays, and the 2nd and 4th Saturday
서울특별시 강남구 논현2동 272-18 길화빌딩 102호
Retro Oven
Open from 12pm-7pm
Closed on Sunday, Holidays, and the 2nd and 4th Saturday
서울특별시 강남구 논현2동 272-18 길화빌딩 102호