A Seoul Culinary Trip Video by Planet Cerrito's Blog

Korean Tourism Organization Seoul Trip from PlanetCerritosBlog on Vimeo.
My trip to Seoul in Spring 2011 sponsored by KTO.

The winner of the first Koreataste.org Blogging Contest was Michael Limbo of Planet Cerrito's Blog. The grand prize was a 4 day 3 night culinary vacation in Seoul where Michael got to go on our famous Night Dining Tour, take a cooking class, and he got meals at some of Korea's top restaurants. Here is his video on his trip. The video really encapsulates Seoul's energy. Great job Michael and thanks for sharing.

Come take a cooking class or take a Culinary Tour in Seoul! http://www.ongofood.com
Pictures are taken either with my Panasonic DMC-G2 Camera with 20mm Lens or with my iPhone 4G
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