Twitter Recap 2: Nerd Talk, Orchid Balls, and People that don't like Korean Food are...

Hi everyone, here is a recap of my twitter feed of different posts going on related around food. You can follow me on twitter at!/seouleats

Dan Gray
  You don't need a macro lens for that- just good lighting. What camera are you using?

Dan Gray
 I took a short class and that helped. Which lens?

Dan Gray
  They are fun to play with. Also 15 USD vs 900 is an advantage^^
Seoul Eats: Guest Post: South Korea, Part II: Modernization and Global Ambitions

Dan Gray
I am having a mild ethiopean yirgacheffe coffee at JeJe. Nice chocolate and lavender notes. This roaster knows cooking

Dan Gray
 ahhh. Over by Hakoya near Ala plaza I remember seeing places.

 Koreafornian Cooking 
 by seouleats
5 Aug Favorite Undo Retweet Reply

 Dan Gray 


 by seouleats
5 Aug Unfavorite Undo Retweet Reply

Dan Gray
Brain fart. What kind of flowers are these? 

 by seouleats

 Dan Gray 

 Dan Gray 

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