몇시에 문닫습니까?
What time does the store close?
몇시에 엽니까?
What time does the store open?
Not common ways to say the same shite:
몇시에 폐점합니까? (chinese, not common)
What time does the store close?
몇시에개점 합니까?
What time does the store open?
토요일에는 몇시에 엽니까?
When does the store open on Sunday?
What time does the store close?
몇시에 엽니까?
What time does the store open?
Not common ways to say the same shite:
몇시에 폐점합니까? (chinese, not common)
What time does the store close?
몇시에개점 합니까?
What time does the store open?
토요일에는 몇시에 엽니까?
When does the store open on Sunday?