
Showing posts from April, 2007

I'm on vacation!

Hey everyone!  I am on vacation, so I'm not going to write these next two weeks.  I hope all is well. Dan


I am trying to be healthy and stuff, so I've gotten myself off the coffee and the alcohol. I haven't had any wine, beer, or coffee all week. It's a shocking, shocking development. I felt that I wasn't getting anything done and I've been gaining too much weight lately- well not really, it's just all going to my stomach or how they say in Korea my 동배 (shit-belly). I've been proactive all week and I've gotten a ton of stuff done. I had a business meeting that went pretty well (details are under wraps for now.) I've cleaned my place, bought presents for people back at home and I've been to the gym 4 times this week and lost a whooping .5 kilograms (yeah, I know it isn't whooping.) I feel great. Hopefully, I can keep this up and don't go off on too many benders in the states. On my list for what I'm going to do next: 1) Write. 2) Close out my .mac membership and post everything on this site. 3) Lose 5 kilograms.

Google Translate isn't perfect.

I translated this e-mail in Google Translater: 전 강사 선생님들께, 강사 선생님들의 연락처를 재확인하고자 하오니 핸드폰(HP) 번호를 저에게 메시지로 회신해주시기 바랍니다. 주형돈 And this is what it comes out in English: "To the former lecturer teachers, the contact place of the lecturer teachers under reconfirming under the man with underdeveloped genital organ it comes the cell phone (in me sliced raw fish shoes Haeju time it wishes HP) numbers with message. Pouring into a mold money." he he

Oh he he

This is the last week of my 1st term at my academy. After today, I'll be going on a two week vacation to Florida and New Mexico! Aza! Life is good. One last note before, I go. Next term, I'm going to having a writer's workshop every class. I'm going to pick a student's essay and then let everyone else read it and then we are going to critique it together and then we're going to give it back to the student who wrote it. I think this would motivate students to try harder on their essays because they'll be on the hot seat in class. Dan

Anyone need a job in Korea?

One of my friends is looking for people that would like to work a public school job. You can contact me at I can tell you from experience that working at the public school is a heck a lot better than working at hagwons. The hours are totally kickass and the kids are appreciative. You can also contact me for more information. They are willing to fly people in from out of the country too. Dan Job description 1. Location: Public elementary school in Bu-cheon, Gwang-myeong and Yong-in area 2. Type of students: Elementary 3. Working hours: 12:00pm to 6:00pm (Monday to Friday) 4. Actual teaching hours: 1:30pm to 6:00pm (5 classes) 5. Class size: 12 at most 6. Starting date: 10 positions starting March and April Benefits 1. Salary: 2.0~2.3 million KRW (depends on experience and qualification) 2. Over time pay: 20,000 KRW an hour 3. Severance pay: One month salary upon completion of the Contract 4. Airfare to Korea: Reimbursed or Paid in advance by Empl...

The American Cry Versus the Korean Cry

When Americans cry, there is but a quiet lone drop. The eyes get red, the face is solemn and the tears streak the face. It's a beautifully contrained emotion. The Korean cry requires the face to scrunch up like the tied stem end of a balloon, the cheeks must have miniature earthquakes and when the force of the emotion becomes too strong, the tears explode from the eyes, a strong primal wave emulates from the mouth, hands turn into fists that try to obliterate the ground in which we walk, the messenger from initated the pain, and even the brain where these thoughts reside- the person becomes lost to the emotion.