Antonin Rodet Bourgogne A.Rodet 2005

I'm going to take wine more seriously and I'm going to start taking notes on wines you can find in Seoul, South Korea.
I've been in the mood for pinot noir, but in Seoul, American pinots range in the 50 or 60 dollar range. Wine are a premium in Korea and American wines cost double, sometimes triple their stateside prices. Hopefully, the FTA will knock down the prices a bit. Today, I saw a Beringer Pinot Noir going for $45.00! I think Pinot Noirs have a luxurious reputation among Korean wine drinkers, so they pay a premium for it.
Today, I'm going to taste a Bourgogne since it's the same grape.
This is an Antonin Rodet, 2005 Bourgogne from the Bourgogne region. I bought it at the Shinsege department store at the Express Bus Terminal for about W30,000
Just as I poured, it I could get a strong cherry, tea scent. It's color is glowing rose, and honestly, it's not that dark. As I swirl the wine, I do notice it has some legs and nice viscosity.
It has a nice effervescent bouquet. I initally smell blackberry, but it whaffs away to reveal a warm tawdry strawberry scent.
The taste is a bit hot, I can feel the alcohol. It's medium dry and has a silky body. I get flavors of tart cranberry and blueberry. It has a strong black tea finish and it lingers in the throat. There is a bit of oak, but nothing too daunting and more exposure to the air reveals a bit of a caramel finish.
So...let this one aerate for about 20 minutes to drinking. It's a nice contemplative wine, so I'm thinking light cheeses and a bit of salmon would be nice.
I would rate it a 86.
A hundred in my book was a really nice red bordeaux that I had with Winson back in 2002. I don't remember the name, but I do remember that I didn't just chug it down like a mad Alchy needing a fix- which I was during those days. The wine demanded foreplay and wow, was it amazing.
A 50 is Mad Dog and Mogen David-they're drinkable, but why would you want to!