Comparison and Contrast
Today I'm teaching comparison and contrast. Simple enough right?
First of all, some definitions.
analogy, illustration of an idea by means of a more familiar idea that is similar or parallel to it in some significant features, and thus said to be analogous to it. Analogies are often presented in the form of an extended simile, as in Blake's aphorism: ‘As the caterpillar chooses the fairest leaves to lay her eggs on, so the priest lays his curse on the fairest joys.’ In literary history, an analogue is another story or plot which is parallel or similar in some way to the story under discussion.
aphorism- a way to express a principle or truth.
I'm going to go into point by point comparison, subject by subject and a combination comparison and contrast. I think structurally, they'll understand this well.
My students seem to have problems with I should come up with a bunch of examples.
These are from
Completed examples might be:
Running a business is like managing a theatre production.
Changing a tyre on a car is like putting your shoes on.
Selling to our customers is like being a second-hand car salesman.
The packaging is like an egg.
Manufacturing a toy doll is like driving a tank.
Advertising to customers is like cooking a meal.
First of all, some definitions.
analogy, illustration of an idea by means of a more familiar idea that is similar or parallel to it in some significant features, and thus said to be analogous to it. Analogies are often presented in the form of an extended simile, as in Blake's aphorism: ‘As the caterpillar chooses the fairest leaves to lay her eggs on, so the priest lays his curse on the fairest joys.’ In literary history, an analogue is another story or plot which is parallel or similar in some way to the story under discussion.
aphorism- a way to express a principle or truth.
I'm going to go into point by point comparison, subject by subject and a combination comparison and contrast. I think structurally, they'll understand this well.
My students seem to have problems with I should come up with a bunch of examples.
These are from
Completed examples might be:
Running a business is like managing a theatre production.
Changing a tyre on a car is like putting your shoes on.
Selling to our customers is like being a second-hand car salesman.
The packaging is like an egg.
Manufacturing a toy doll is like driving a tank.
Advertising to customers is like cooking a meal.