I am going to Thailand!

I am going to Thailand for a week! YEAH! I am going to stay over in Bangkok for a couple of days and then I'm going to Chang Mai to take a cooking class. I've been doing some research and here are some recommendations of restaurants and blogs in Thailand.

These are recommendations from Maylee:
He also does food tours in Bangkok on occasion, but there are lots of posting on places all over Thailand

Best place to eat in Bangkok is generally always on the street. Try Chinatown for a start.
For late night eats Soi 38 under the sky train stop.

This http://stomachsonlegs.blogspot.com/2007/07/e-pochana-bangkok-seafood-gluttony.html
is my favourite seafood place

Isaan can be found most places, but I like this place in Lad Prao (a bit out of the city)


The blog http://eatingasia.typepad.com/eatingasia/
is also pretty good

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