Icheon Rice Festival, 23 to 26 October in Icheon


The Icheon Rice Culture Festival is a celebration of one of the staples of the Korean diet as well as its farming culture. The 4-day event offers visitors - Korean and foreign - a taste of Korea's traditional straw culture, the experience of harvesting rice, the opportunity to buy produce from a traditional market, cooking classes, entertainment, and much more. Many of the activities of either intended for foreign visitors or set up to be foreign friendly.

Icheon is located just outside Seoul. To find out out to get there, by mass transit or by car, check out the festival website.

The Icheon Rice Festivla website offers information in English, including directions, photos from previous festivals and the schedule of events.

The festival will be held Seolbong Park in Icheon for four days from 23 to 26 October 2008.

Please visit: http://www.ricefestival.or.kr/

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