Seoul Stories: How you can be on the Radio

I am looking for people who would like to share their experiences of Korea in the form of a 2 to 3 minute personal dialogue. The topic would be in the form of an entertaining or insightful anecdote. Think David Sedaris or Firoozeh Dumas style.

For example I have 1 person telling a story about how she took a big oven from city hall to Bundang on the subway while onlookers took pictures and gawked.

Another person is speaking about how her experiences as she trained for a marathon as people shunned her for showing her bare arms.

The stories should be entertaining, detailed, and insightful.

They will be broadcast on 101.3 efm from 11-12pm on Soul of Asia with host Sara Kim.

They will also be collected for a future podcast on topics relating to Korea.

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