Lunar New Year Event

Hey everyone, one of my friends started up a magazine and he is hosting an event on Lunar New Year. It's going to be on Sunday the 25th and I am planning on going. You know how I feel about the food at Ola! Mario. If not, go here

So, who would like to join me? I'm going to preorder my tickets. Let me know know if you are going to be there too. Here is the facebook group event listing.


Hi 10 Magazine Group!

If you are stuck in Korea this Lunar New Year, we've got a treat for you!

10 Magazine and Glenlivet are sponsoring a Lunar New Year's Eve party at Ola Mario restaurant in Itaewon. Unlimited Glenlivet Single-malt Scotch and Glenlivet cocktails along with appetizers served all night long, DJs and an incredible atmosphere - all for only W40,000 - normally!

But for 10 Magazine Group Members who sign up this week tickets are available for just W30,000!!! This is an incredible deal - you'd pay that amount for two glasses of Glenlivet at most places. glentlivetparty@10magazine

The offer is ONLY open to people who buy presale tickets before this Friday, so hurry!

Oh, and pick up your copy of the January issue of 10 Magazine at GS 25 stores today!


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