Would you like to model for a 250,000 won meal?

Dear friends,

I got this request from the Korea house. They are looking for 2 models to help promote Korean food and you get to eat a 250,000 won meal for free. You would eat and make comments during and after the meal. Other than the meal, there is no pay. They are looking for someone that looks foreign (this is for Korean TV after all). It would be formal, so you should look professional. If you are interested then email me and let me or Ally know.
It's produced being produced at 12:00, 12th (Thursday), October,2009. (It will take almost 1Hr ~ 2Hrs)

The location is the Korea House in Chungmuro.

It would be helpful if you send a picture, so I can send it to Ally. You can e-mail me by clicking on this link.



Below is the email I received.

I am looking for two people who has free time to work for Korea House' image.
Actually, YTN will be filming special news or program to promote Korea house Daejanggeum Jeongsilk which is a new menu costs 250,000KRW for person.
We need a foreigner who have blond and good looking, unnecessarily professional. and not going to use any other image for Korea house.
It's just for good shots for YTN TV program. YTN wants to produce shot which foreigners have a lunch naturally and could be wanted some comments after lunch to revising the meal.
(Wearing formal suit would be better, I think )
Only thing we can do to treat them 250,000 KRW menu for fee of modeling for this at the time.

We need someone like Korean Food and have enjoying natural shots, not caring so much on TV. It will be great chance to have Special meal of Korea House. ^^
I'd like to figure it out by myself, but it doesn't work.
I hope you help me ^^
Let me know
Thank you
With best regards

Ally Yoo . Manager

Sent from my iPod

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