Next Seoul Eats Meet up: Curry for Charity at Phillies

Zed's Curry

I got this message from the lovely Susanna  (known as Zed by her friends). On May 5th, she'll be cooking curry at Phillies in HBC. Susanna is an amazing cook. Her curries are to die for. I'll be there after our trip to the orphanage (if you are still interested in signing up, here's the link 

You can sign-up on Facebook for Susanna's event here.

A Spicy Wednesday

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
6:00pm - 9:30pm
Phillies , HBC

Its our favorite bar and its my favorite hobby ....................
Come and try my special flavors , have a beer and chat!
It will be worth it!

A selection of lamb, chicken and vegetable curry served with rice and salad. 10,000 won a plate.................available until sold out!
I will donate the profits to charity.....................

Hope to see u there!


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