Any Korean Chefs want to work in Abu Dhabi?
Dear Seoul Eats Readers,
If there are any Korean chefs that would like to work in Abu Dhabi for 1 year, this is a good opportunity. They need a chef that can cook for Samsung Engineering. The chef should have experience for catering. The monthly salary is 4 million won a month and housing and insurance are included.
Click below for more information:
If there are any Korean chefs that would like to work in Abu Dhabi for 1 year, this is a good opportunity. They need a chef that can cook for Samsung Engineering. The chef should have experience for catering. The monthly salary is 4 million won a month and housing and insurance are included.
Click below for more information:
Please help to find out Korean Chef.
Country: Abu Dhabi - Al Ruwais area (Samsung Engineering)
Company: Korean food Supplier
Need : One male Korean Chef (Prefer who has experience for catering)
Monthly payment: KW 4 million
Accommodation: Provide by company
Fringe benefit: Air ticket for round trip (Once a year), Visa application fee, Local medical insurance fee
We need URGENTLY who can go ASAP. (within October)
Contact person: Mr.Lee Jae Woon ( 010-9150-2909)
아부다비에서 삼성 엔지니어링 내 케이터링을 담당하고 있는 Korean Food Suppler 에서 한식 요리사분을
급하게 구합니다.
나이제한 없이 한식요리사 경험과 특히 케이터링 경력이 있으신분이면 더 좋습니다.
10월안에 출국 가능한 분이셔야 하고 월급은 월 400만원입니다.
서울 두바이 왕복 비행기권 년 1회 제공, 비자 신청비용 제공, 지역 의료보험 제공을 해드립니다.
관심있으신 분들은 담당자인 이재운 부장 010-9150-2909로 전화 또는 메일 hjkim0331@hotmail.com으로 문의 주시면 됩니다.