Suji's New Zealand Wine Experience: Good Wines for Cheap

Our sponsors, Suji's has a new wine special at their Itaewon Branch. It is Rapaura Springs wine from New Zealand. The wines are very good and excellently priced. Seriously, to get a good New Zealand White Wine for this price is outstanding. The wine is excellent as well. The Pinot Gris is bright, a tad silvery, and sharp. My favorite is the Sauvignon Blanc which is citrousy with a nice bouquet. I haven't had the Pinot Noir yet. I recommend you go check them out with some of Suji's great food.

In celebration of their wine celebration promotion. Suji's is giving away 2 sandwich gift certificates to the readers of Seoul Eats. To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment after this post about an experience you had at Suji's (hopefully good, but if you had a bad experience let them know so they can improve).

I would like to thank Suji's Restaurant for supporting Seoul Eats. 


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Pictures are taken either with my Panasonic DMC-G2 Camera with 20mm Lens or with my iPhone 4G
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