Upcoming Posts from Seoul Eats and what do you think of the new site?


Man, oh man. If I knew that the transition from wordpress was going to be so painful, I might have reconsidered doing it. There is still quite a bit of work to do before the site will be 100 percent up, but I'm very happy with the progress.

I would like to thank Dustin Cole for all the help. He approached me about collaborating on the site and without him, I would still be a dinosaur in the new age of the Internet.

The new platform is more organized and easier to maintain. Once I get the hang of it, I'll be able to create better content. Over the course of the next couple of weeks you'll see significant changes.

First of all, what do you all think of the new site? Anything you love? Hate? Confused about? What would you like more of (or less of on this site).

Here are some pictures of future posts that I'll be putting up soon.

Thank you!

From your friendly, neighborhood food blogger!



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