Fun with photos: What's the best ipad photo editing app






20121222-232132.jpg Ok so I am a tech nerd and I am always trying for better ways to streamline and get better photos. I thought it was the camera but then the software and then my ability to take photos and then I thought it had to do with extraneous equipment like flashes and light meters and such. It's too much. I don't know which camera is best anymore. I started ages ago with a Pentax optio and then got a canon point and shoot and then upgraded to a Canon Powershot g10. The powershot was terrible because I didn't know what aperture or shutter speed meant. Later I got a canon rebel dsl camera and then another one that did video. I then switched systems to a Panasonic micro 4/3rds. I like the 4/3rds for their size but I feel it's not as bright as my other cameras. Now I mainly shoot on my iPad mini and my iPhone. I don't know which is better but I do like that I can get my photos out quickly.

I have played with Instagram most and I love it. Amaro (the first setting) seems to work with all photos. However I just got a SD card reader for my iPad mini so I thought I should import some of my photos from my Panasonic micro 4/3rds camera and do some editing. Here are the programs I downloaded:

Adobe Photoshop express
PE Foto Lr HD
Photo editor
Be Funky
Photo Toaster Jr.
Picshot light

Adobe photoshop and PicShot light suck. Interfaces are non-intuitive and you can't grasp the idea of what the image will look like afterwards. The auto enhance on adobe is better than some of the others though. Photo editor and Aviary seem to have the same interfaces, filters, and more. Both are all right but nothing special.

Photo Toaster has some good options and filters. You could do quite a bit without buying the upgrades. Be funky is fun but not so useful and the auto enhance made things look bad.

I really like PE Foto Lr HD. Too bad the lame is lame. It lets you do stuff like type text and color in or make parts of your photo black and white.

Of the, all I liked camera! most. It is intuitive and fun to use. Photos come out colorful and smart. It was a good weekend.


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