K-Food Festival from October 31st-November 1st: Prizes! Food! Fun!
K-Food Festival from October 31st- November 1st! |
Hey Seoul Eaters,
If you are in Korea from October 31st till November 1st, check out the Korean food Festival over by Cheonggye Plaza. They’ll have a range of different activities such as exhibitions, Nanta performances, and you’ll even find some local star chefs there such as Mingoo Kang from Mingles and my buddy Jungsik Yim of Jungsikdang.
The opening ceremony is at 2pm on October 31st at Cheonggye Plaza. If you take a picture tweet or tag the event with #kfoodfestival, they will give you a free Nanta ticket and some cool souvenirs.
Share with your friends and I hope you can make there.
PS. Here is the Press Release.
Press Release
PR Office: (HQ) 강원도 원주시 세계로 10, Tel 033.738.3051/3
(Seoul Center) 서울시 종로구 청계천로 35 관정빌딩 14층, Tel 02.729.9482/3
Contact: KyoungHee Sul, Team Head, Food Shopping Team (033-738-3641),
Date of Distribution: Oct 25, 201, Total 2 PagesLet’s all enjoy「Big Meal Together, Everyone’s HanSik」at the 2015 K-Food Festival- Korea National Tourism to hold food tourism festival at the Cheonggye Plaza -
- K-smile Campaign, a linked campaign to promote hospitality towards international visitors, will also follow -
The Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism (under the leadership of Minister Kim Jong-deok) and the Korea National Tourism (under the leadership of Mr. Jung Chang Soo ) will jointly hold the first 2015 K-Food Festival for two days, from October 31, 2015 through November 1, 2015, at the Cheonggye Plaza. The festival is open for everyone, both Koreans and international visitors, and will be under the theme of 「Big Meal Together, Everyone’s Hansik」 to invite everyone to celebrate harmonious Korean food that uses variety of ingredients.
PR Office: (HQ) 강원도 원주시 세계로 10, Tel 033.738.3051/3
(Seoul Center) 서울시 종로구 청계천로 35 관정빌딩 14층, Tel 02.729.9482/3
Contact: KyoungHee Sul, Team Head, Food Shopping Team (033-738-3641),
Date of Distribution: Oct 25, 201, Total 2 PagesLet’s all enjoy「Big Meal Together, Everyone’s HanSik」at the 2015 K-Food Festival- Korea National Tourism to hold food tourism festival at the Cheonggye Plaza -
- K-smile Campaign, a linked campaign to promote hospitality towards international visitors, will also follow -
The Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism (under the leadership of Minister Kim Jong-deok) and the Korea National Tourism (under the leadership of Mr. Jung Chang Soo ) will jointly hold the first 2015 K-Food Festival for two days, from October 31, 2015 through November 1, 2015, at the Cheonggye Plaza. The festival is open for everyone, both Koreans and international visitors, and will be under the theme of 「Big Meal Together, Everyone’s Hansik」 to invite everyone to celebrate harmonious Korean food that uses variety of ingredients.
Promotion booths at the Festival are organized to deliver the five distinct “Taste” Hansik, “pass on”the traditional Korean food, “add” fun and Korean wave, all of which will make international visitors to “smile.” The Festival will include range of Korean food, including traditional recipes enjoyed by monks, Korea royals, and members of the head families. It will also include everyday Hansik recipes that modern Koreans enjoy, as well as the fusion and futuristic Korean. Moreover, participating guests will also have a chance to enjoy traditional and modern tableware that go with all the variety of foods presented at the Festival.
The festival will also feature the result of the 180 days of Korea Pavilion operation at the Expo Milano 2015, which was held in the fashion city Milano, Italy from May 1, 2015 – Oct 31, 2015 to promote the excellence of Hansik.
To provide variety of contents (viz. exhibitions, on-site preparations & tasting) for the K-food Festival, number of renowned food experts, institutes, and organizations will participate, including Institute of Korean Royal Cuisine, the Andong Gwon clan, Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism Cultural Corps of Korean Buddhism, Chef Min goo Kang of “Mingles” and Chef Jungsik Yim of “Jung sik dang”. Other star Chefs, Mr. Rack Hun Kim & Mr. Jo Sung Joo of “Open Studio” will also join the Festival and the program will also include non-food-making related programs such as crafting food miniature for children, non-verbal performance by “NANTA” among many other interesting programs that the Festival will offer.
The Opening Ceremony is scheduled at 2pm on November 31, and it will be followed K-Smile Campaign (a linked campaign to promote hospitality toward international visitors to Korea) around the Cheonggye Plaza. Ms. KyungHee Sul, Team Head at the Korea Tourism Organization commented that “This event is the very first festival to promote food tourism, and I hope we have a lot of international visitors.” She also said that “Through this event, we hope the guests will find Hansik both fascinating and easy to approach, which will eventually cause them to revisit Korea. We hope this event will serve as a stepping stone for Korea to become a popular destination for food tourism.”
홍보실 : (본사) 강원도 원주시 세계로 10, Tel 033.738.3051/3 l (서울센터) 서울시 종로구 청계천로 35 관정빌딩 14층, Tel 02.729.9482/3
담당자 : 음식쇼핑팀 설경희 팀장 (033-738-3641), 배포일 : 2015년 10월 25일, 총 2쪽
「더불어 한상, 다 함께 한식」을 즐겨요! 2015 K-Food Festival 개최
- 한국관광공사, 서울 청계광장에서 음식관광 축제의 장 마련 -
- K-smile 친절캠페인도 연계 추진 예정 -
문화체육관광부(장관 김종덕)와 한국관광공사(사장 정창수)는 오는 10월31일부터 11월1일까지 2일간 서울 청계광장에서 2015 K-Food Festival을 처음으로 개최한다. 다양한 재료가 한데 모여 조화로운 맛을 내는 한식을 세계인이 함께 즐기자는 의미에서 「더불어 한상, 다함께 한식」이라는 주제를 정하고 내․외국인 관광객 누구나 즐길 수 있는 축제의 장을 마련한다.
홍보부스는 다양한 상차림과 무대를 통해 한식의 맛을 직접 ‘보고’, 옛 맛을 ‘잇고’, 재미와 한류를 ‘더하며‘, 미래의 음식을 ’찾고‘, 그리하여 관광객들이 ’웃는다‘라는 5가지 메시지를 통해 구성된다. K-Food의 근간이 되는 궁중․종가․사찰음식에서부터 현대인들이 사랑하는 한식, 미래 지향적인 한식까지 골고루 보여 줄 예정이다. 또한 이 음식들을 담아내는 전통 도자와 한국식 테이블웨어도 감상할 수 있다.
아울러 패션의 도시 이탈리아 밀라노에서 180여 일간에 걸쳐 ‘한식의 우수성’을 테마로 운영된 밀라노엑스포 한국관(2015.5.1~10.31일)의 전시 성과도 한 눈에 보여줄 예정이다.
K-food의 다채로운 전시, 시연, 시식을 위행서 궁중음식연구원, 안동권씨 충재 권벌 종가, 불교문화사업재단 등과의 협업과, 뉴 코리언 장르의 새로운 음식으로 인기있는
<밍글스> 강민구 셰프의 마스터 클래스 시연 및 <정식당> 임정식 셰프의 전시 등이 이루어질 예정이다. 또한 ‘김락훈’, ‘조성주’ 셰프의 오픈스튜디오와 어린이들의 음식모형 미니어처 만들기 체험, 넌버벌 퍼포먼스 ‘난타’ 공연 등의 흥미있는 볼거리도 마련되어 있다.
개막식은 31일 2시에 예정되어 있으며, 개막식에 바로 이어 청계광장을 중심으로 외래객 환대 친절캠페인인 K-smile캠페인도 연계하여 추진할 계획이다.
한국관광공사 설경희 팀장은 “이번 행사는 공사에서 개최하는 첫 번째 음식관광 축제인 만큼, 특히 외국인 관광객들이 축제장을 많이 방문하여, K-Food의 매력을 느끼고, 한식에 대한 친밀감을 느껴 다시 한번 한국을 찾게 되고 나아가 음식관광활성화로 연결되기를 기대한다.” 고 밝혔다.