Nerd Alert! What files can I safely delete to save space? Apple iBook G4
Warning! Nerdy Apple bloggy stuff! I've had my Apple iBook G4 for over a year now and it is time to try and recover some lost space that is pointlessly being taken up by files that I don't need and I don't use. I'm going through the net trying to find out what files that OS X is hiding from me. These are files that I've downloaded but are pointlessly kept. An example of this would be my ipod updater files. i only need the most recent one. The others could be deleted- saving me a whopping 200MB. Here's my research: **Some Apple apps use packages. To remove them use DesInstaller [] ***I keep getting Use Disk Utility, but it sounds scary. *** ***I'm trying Onyx right now. Just do a search on Onyx Mac OS X. It's free and it has a nice interface. It recovered 1 gig by simply cleaning the cache. I hit the cleaning tab and it worked like a charm. I have to restart now. I...