
Showing posts from January, 2007


If anyone is trying to get tickets to concerts and theatre in Korea, you can call ticketlink at 02-3774-2564. I'm trying to get tickets to Lion King^^ I'll let you know how it goes.

I've contracted a mind case of retardedism

I've forgotten my cellphone twice in two days. Does anybody have a cure? Dan


I'm going to try and not be so defensive about everything. I always defend myself even before someone finishes their comment. For example, a fellow teacher came in today and said, "I asked _____ about your going to class 1 minute before it begins policy." And instantly I said, "It's not my policy, it's _____ policy." The whole point is that I didn't listen to what she was going to say. She was going to tell me that I was correct and that it was a good idea. Geez...sometimes I just want to change my natural reactions. Sigh...I guess it just takes time. Dan

So...I have decided what I should do with my blog

I'm going to open three blogs. Yeah, I know that doesn't make that much sense, but I'm going to try it. I'm going to keep this blog up and focus on Korea. I'm going to write my lesson plans on a new blog called eslhagwon So why am I doing this??? I, being so OCD, must compartmentalize.

I am going to posting less this month

I want to use this blog for my lesson plans. My new job is more demanding than before and Yea Jin and I want to work on a book project together. She has connections in publishing, so this is a possibility. She also makes me want to write and she, although she doesn't believe me, is a wonderful writer. There is nobody else I would like to work with. Most of my lesson plans for the hagwon will be labeled Ian English. Dan

The Story of Mankind has many pictures

I wonder if I could get the students to draw a picture of what they think this man would look like. Reading his words, I get a real sense of warmth and optimism. I think the kids would come up with some really insightful pictures (oh...and of course there will be one goofy kid doing something rank or ridiculous). I should save that for the 2nd class. Here's a picture of the real Hendrik:

The Story of Mankind

It's a new year and it's time to start my new job. I will be teaching at a hagwon in the Cheongdam area. Don't worry, it's not CDI. I have been working part-time there for a year and a half and I decided to sign on full time. Anyway. I get to teach middle school students literature! Doesn't that sound fun? The first book we will be working on will be called The Story of Mankind by Hendrik Willem Van Loon. It was the first book to win the Newberry Medal for young adults. It's not a Wrinkle in Time, but it is fascinating and full of information. It's like a comic book disguised as a history book. Today I'm going to give a brief overview of the course and then get them to write a letter to themselves about their first impressions of the course and the book and what they expect to learn from the class. Also I would like them to write their own expectations such as, "I will do all my homework assignments." or "I will participate in di...

Nanowritmo Chapter 3: Bananas

Everything is very rough right now and I don't have time to proofread. I am currently at 12,000 words and I should be at around 15000 to be on track. I find that I like writing with my eyes clothes and that makes my typing even worse. Oh well, here's an excerpt of something I've written and I'm kinda happy with. Dan Chapter 3: Bananas The yellow smile of a banana was something I savored in my mind. When I was five years old, the banana was the most exotic fruit in the world. They were just coming into Korea and for a poor boy they were simply unattainable. A bunch of bananas would cost about 5 dollars- the equivalent of 10 days savings and my money would never last that long. You would think the vendor might give samples of the fruit, but it wasn’t the flavor people sought. The banana was exotic; it’s color and shape defied logic. The banana came from parts of the world that most Koreans had never even dreamt about. And the name: THE NAME! It’s catchy and cool and sweet...

NaNoWriMo Special

For Sale 2 unopened Moleskine Notebooks. Squared Reporter Notebooks. 240 squared Pages 5 x 8 1/4 acid paper W18,000 each Alphasmart 3000 An Alphasmart is basically a keyboard with a little screen that you can see up to 4 lines of text. The unit has 256MB and it is powered by batteries. I have had the unit for 2 months now and I have not had to recharge the batteries yet. W50,000 Apple Keyboard I am selling the old style Apple Keyboard. This is not the new thin model, but the previous generation. 18,000. Microsoft Optical Mouse 2000 pic 13,000


Yea Jin and I went to Gangneun- a coastal city in Korea. Here are some pictures. Dan

The last sunrise of 2006

It is a New Year and it's time to make new resolutions for the new year. A lot of changes are coming and I think its time to settle down. I have to admit, Korea has been good to me and I've learned a lot so far- I've discovered my personal resolve. I have found my will to be stronger than I thought it was, so I feel that this year I will be able to maintain my goals for longer than 1 month^^ I think my goals for the last 10 years have been to lose weight. In the last year I have lost over 10 kilograms or 22 pounds. I did this by exercising regularly and by substantially cutting down on my drinking. I've really cut down on drinking Soju and beer. I've really cut down on my drinking and this has kept me from falling into fits of depression. I've written and I've read a lot in the last year. I've read several books on Korean folklore, culture, and history (all in English). And I've done research on topics I've always wanted to but put of...