Poker Fundraiser for Adoptees!
I wish I could go, but I have to work :( Go for me and win me a prize.
Welcome to the first Poker Fundraiser for a local adoptee organization!
I plan on hosting four fundraisers a year, each benefiting a local adoptee organization here in Seoul. I'm starting with GOA'L because frankly they need the money and through GOA'L I have come to know so many other fellow adoptees here in Korea and abroad. This is my way of giving back to the organizations that have helped me during my stay here in Korea and I hope that you will all join me in saying "Thank You" by joining this fundraiser and showing your support. For those of you who may not know what GOA'L is or does, please read below.
Introduction of GOA'L
Established in 1998 by adoptees, Global Overseas Adoptees' Link (G.O.A.'L – ) has been providing services and support to the overseas adoptee community for over 10 years. Through G.O.A.'L's birth family search assistance, Korean language study opportunities, translations services, networking events, and various cultural experiences, 1000's of adoptees from more than 15 countries have been able to connect with their roots, develop their identities, and empower themselves personally and professionally while making life-long friends.
G.O.A.'L advocates for adoptees' rights and recognition as Koreans in the land of their birth through campaigns - F4 visa (1999 Overseas Koreans Act), National Birth Family Search, Dual Citizenship; organizing public hearings at the Korean National Assembly; as well as coordinating educational opportunities – annual conference, monthly meetings, film screenings and special forums.
Through your donations and participating in this fundraiser, your support of G.O.A.'L ensures that in the years to come, ALL overseas adoptees returning to Korea will continue to benefit from all the resources and services provided by the organization and the community.
Fundraiser Details:
Who: Anyone who likes poker and wants to support GOAL
Time: Starts at 2pm sharp. Must be finished by 7pm.
Where: E-spirit English Institute
(Our friends at E-spirit have graciously welcomed us to use their school for this fundraiser. We ask that all participants be respectful.)
Directions: Subway line #2 (green line) to Seocho Station. Go out Exit 1, and turn RIGHT at the first side street. Walk straight down the road and after a small incline you will see E-spirit on the LEFT. Across from E-spirit is a Kia Motors repair shop.
Contact: Nik Leschly for directions at 010-8359-6905
Tournament Basics:
Donation: at least 60,000 won at the door (55,000 won in advance*)
Donors will receive chips to play with for the tournament. No money will be used for any betting at any time.
Prizes will consist of Apple and Nintendo products among others. Depending on the number of participants, awarded prizes may vary. Example: If there are at least 30 players, prizes will be awarded to the top three players. If there are at least 50 players, prizes will be awarded to the top 5 players.
Proceeds from the tournament will be donated directly to GOAL.
Some light snacks and beverages will be provided for all participants in the tournament.
Early Registration Discount:
To register, please send an email to stating your
1) name
2) the date you remit your donation
3) amount of donation
Participants are encouraged to register early so that we may have a headcount. The donation is discounted 5,000 won for early registration, to equal at least 55,000 won. Registration can be done by electronic payment through Wednesday, June 18, 2008, and sent to:
Shinhan Bank
Nikolaj Leschly
Acct # : 687-04-023180
If you're a beginner and would like to participate, please arrive at 1:30pm for a crash course in the basics of the game.
If you have any questions, please send them to
Ground rules for the venue:
1) No alcohol at the venue; no drunk people will be allowed to stay or participate
2) Smokers must exit the building to smoke (not in the hallways or bathrooms)
3) Participants must refrain from touching or using the classroom materials
4) Do not answer the phones / no phone calls out are allowed from E-Spirit phones and use of the computers is prohibited.
I would like to thank everyone in advance for their cooperation in adhering to these rules.
Finally, GOA'L and I would like to thank E-Spirit English Institute for their support in this fundraiser.
Thank you all and we hope to see you there!
Nikolaj Leschly
Welcome to the first Poker Fundraiser for a local adoptee organization!
I plan on hosting four fundraisers a year, each benefiting a local adoptee organization here in Seoul. I'm starting with GOA'L because frankly they need the money and through GOA'L I have come to know so many other fellow adoptees here in Korea and abroad. This is my way of giving back to the organizations that have helped me during my stay here in Korea and I hope that you will all join me in saying "Thank You" by joining this fundraiser and showing your support. For those of you who may not know what GOA'L is or does, please read below.
Introduction of GOA'L
Established in 1998 by adoptees, Global Overseas Adoptees' Link (G.O.A.'L – ) has been providing services and support to the overseas adoptee community for over 10 years. Through G.O.A.'L's birth family search assistance, Korean language study opportunities, translations services, networking events, and various cultural experiences, 1000's of adoptees from more than 15 countries have been able to connect with their roots, develop their identities, and empower themselves personally and professionally while making life-long friends.
G.O.A.'L advocates for adoptees' rights and recognition as Koreans in the land of their birth through campaigns - F4 visa (1999 Overseas Koreans Act), National Birth Family Search, Dual Citizenship; organizing public hearings at the Korean National Assembly; as well as coordinating educational opportunities – annual conference, monthly meetings, film screenings and special forums.
Through your donations and participating in this fundraiser, your support of G.O.A.'L ensures that in the years to come, ALL overseas adoptees returning to Korea will continue to benefit from all the resources and services provided by the organization and the community.
Fundraiser Details:
Who: Anyone who likes poker and wants to support GOAL
Time: Starts at 2pm sharp. Must be finished by 7pm.
Where: E-spirit English Institute
(Our friends at E-spirit have graciously welcomed us to use their school for this fundraiser. We ask that all participants be respectful.)
Directions: Subway line #2 (green line) to Seocho Station. Go out Exit 1, and turn RIGHT at the first side street. Walk straight down the road and after a small incline you will see E-spirit on the LEFT. Across from E-spirit is a Kia Motors repair shop.
Contact: Nik Leschly for directions at 010-8359-6905
Tournament Basics:
Donation: at least 60,000 won at the door (55,000 won in advance*)
Donors will receive chips to play with for the tournament. No money will be used for any betting at any time.
Prizes will consist of Apple and Nintendo products among others. Depending on the number of participants, awarded prizes may vary. Example: If there are at least 30 players, prizes will be awarded to the top three players. If there are at least 50 players, prizes will be awarded to the top 5 players.
Proceeds from the tournament will be donated directly to GOAL.
Some light snacks and beverages will be provided for all participants in the tournament.
Early Registration Discount:
To register, please send an email to stating your
1) name
2) the date you remit your donation
3) amount of donation
Participants are encouraged to register early so that we may have a headcount. The donation is discounted 5,000 won for early registration, to equal at least 55,000 won. Registration can be done by electronic payment through Wednesday, June 18, 2008, and sent to:
Shinhan Bank
Nikolaj Leschly
Acct # : 687-04-023180
If you're a beginner and would like to participate, please arrive at 1:30pm for a crash course in the basics of the game.
If you have any questions, please send them to
Ground rules for the venue:
1) No alcohol at the venue; no drunk people will be allowed to stay or participate
2) Smokers must exit the building to smoke (not in the hallways or bathrooms)
3) Participants must refrain from touching or using the classroom materials
4) Do not answer the phones / no phone calls out are allowed from E-Spirit phones and use of the computers is prohibited.
I would like to thank everyone in advance for their cooperation in adhering to these rules.
Finally, GOA'L and I would like to thank E-Spirit English Institute for their support in this fundraiser.
Thank you all and we hope to see you there!
Nikolaj Leschly