Ruth Reichel from Gourmet Magazine loves Korea

If you read the article, she says,
"This month marks the beginning of the third season of Gourmet's PBS show Diary of a Foodie... I'm especially proud of the stories filmed in Korea, because the food is so unexpectedly new, and so extraordinarily beautiful."
Wow. I'm so proud because I helped Gourmet with that production. My friends Terry, Irene, Mr. Moon from the Agro-Trade Center, Dr. Sook Ja-yoon, Hoya, Soo-hyun, me, and many others helped production with their story in Korea. It'll be great to see it on the air. We filmed 7 segments for Gourmet in Korea and 1 more for Anthony Bourdain's show. Korea is going to get a ton of media exposure this year.
My goal is to meet Ruth one of these days because she is my foodie hero. She is amazing at what she does and her personality just shines. She is awesome. Ruth, if you are reading this, please come to Korea or set aside a lunch break and I'll meet you in New York.