Groove Magazine July
The new issue of Groove is out. You can find the magazine in most of the local expat bars, restaurants and shops in Seoul, Daegu, and Busan. I am still adjusting to taking over the dining section so any suggestions are welcome. I'm not actually happy with the way the pictures turned out this month, but that's something that I and the magazine designer will work out for next month.
Groove Magazine is looking for contributors. If you are itching to jump start your writing career, it's a good place to start. The first article I wrote for the Groove was back about 2 years ago. I wrote an article about my adoption story and it helped me find many connections in the writing field in Seoul. Well, if you are interested in contributing articles to the Groove, you can e-mail the editor at
If you are interested in contributing food reviews, pictures, recipes, or any other food related pieces to Groove Magazine or to Seoul Eats, please e-mail me at