Dear Journalists and Media Contacts,
My name is Daniel Gray and I am a writer and a food consultant in Seoul. This week, Chef Anna Kim is in Korea. We are currently looking for media in Korea that would be interested in interviewing her. Last week, she was in Bangkok representing Korea in LG's Taste of Something Better Cooking Competition.
Anna Kim is a world class chef that has worked for Gordon Ramsay, Nobu, Joel Robuchon and many others. She currently works at the InterContinental Hotel in LA. I was wondering if any one would be interested in interviewing her. In the next year (Feb 2009), a documentary on Kimchi, Kimchikhan, will debut in the USA. Anna can speak English, Korean, and French.
She will be consulting with a Korean food company, O'ngo Food Communications, AT Center, and KTO about Korean food Globalization and Culinary Tourism.
Below is a write up on the competition and an attached picture with Anna Kim, and American Chef Cat Cora.
We are also looking for Korean Media, so if you have any interested contacts, please let me know.
You must contact us soon because Anna will only be in South Korea until Thursday, November 19th.
Here is some other press on Anna.
Attached are pictures of food made by Anna Kim.
Anna Kim's Biography
Having grown up on a farm in Korea's verdant countryside, Anna Kim was exposed to the slow methods of cooking and the critical importance of detail in food presentation. The necessity for fresh ingredients was also of great influence in refining her style even further throughout the years before obtaining her honors degree in culinary education from France.
Anna plays an active role in creating menus. “No stranger to contribute in a kitchen who I can learn from, I have passion to share happiness on a plate by adding of 6th flavor seasonings to vitalize the palate.” She was born as a daughter of farmers in Korea, influenced by daily exposure to fresh ingredients and slow cooking methods.
After her formal culinary education with honors, she graduated from France. She moved to apprentice at world known chef Joël Robuchon’s restaurant in Paris. Continuing over the next years she pursued to expand her culinary knowledge with several other restaurants such as Nobu, Gordon Ramsay and Four Seasons Hotel in the US. Crossing continents, Anna enjoys her voyage to become a happy cook with diverse global flavors and love to communicate with the people who dedicate towards a culinary boat which influence her food today.
Thank you very much and I hope to hear from you soon,
O'ngo Food Communications
LG전자, 방콕서 '친환경 요리대회' 개최
지난해 두바이 대회에 이어 두 번째로 진행된 이번 대회는 한국과 미국, 프랑스, 태국 등 13개국 지역 예선을 거쳐 선발된 총 16개 아마추어팀이 참여했다.
이들 팀은 '빛의 요리(Cuisine of Light )'를 주제로 친환경 가전으로 평가받는 LG광파오븐을 활용해 독창적인 요리법을 선보였다.
LG전자는 심사를 거쳐 상위 7개팀을 선정, 입상 순위에 따라 태국 왕복항공권과 LG주방가전 등 상품을 수여했다. 최종 우승팀에게는 1만 달러 상당의 한식체험 관광권을 전달했다.
이날 행사에는 미국의 캣 코라(Cat Cora)와 프랑스의 기 마틴(Guy Martin), 한국의 애나 킴(Anna Kim) 태국의 셰프 잌(Chef Ik) 등 세계 정상급 요리사 4명을 초청해 요리쇼도 펼쳤다.
이영하 LG 전자 HA사업본부장(사장)은 "이번 대회는 LG 프리미엄 주방가전의 친환경 기술력을 전세계 고객들에게 알리는 좋은 계기가 됐다"며 "앞으로도 다양한 마케팅 활동을 통해 친환경 기업 이미지를 더욱 강화해 나갈 계획"이라고 말했다.