Seoul Eats chosen by Orkut Heroes as one the 14 best food blogs

SeoulEats Seoul, South Korea: Koreans are well known for their hard work, hospitality and good rich food, one of the fastest growing economy and high life standards made Seoul simply wonderful. Like Seoul; is wonderful too. korea1I must say that its one of the food blog I stayed for more than an hour just navigating pages by pages and saying in my heart WOW!  Amazing!. was started byDaniel Gray a foodie. Daniel’s way of approaching and discovering best foods in and around Seoul made a well recognized online spot for foodies.  Now maintained by a dedicated team of authors, this blog is really awesome. Chili Burger at chili king, Sushi at Omakasi, Kongguksu at Myeongdong Gyoja, dukbokki or locate Vegetarian restaurants in Seoul like Sanche and Sanchon Mountain village etc. has everything to impress any food lover; If Seoul is under your next tour destination list then don’t forget to subscribe to

Thank you Orkut Heroes and be sure to check out their other great posts.

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