Hey Tighe! Your Mom says you need to eat more

Tighe Kissing the Ice
Dear Seoul Eats Readers,

A worried mother send me a message and embarrassing photos of her son, because she would really like to encourage her son to eat more. She even sent some photos of her son. Now Ti, lives in Suwon, and according to his Mom, he needs to eat more. Here's what she said,

I know he really should follow your blog but I'm just trying to educate myself so I feel like I know something. So far I know Lindsay Huster is from our City- Chicago!
He has so much to learn. He's really a fish out of water, and losing a lot of weight! Your post on Indigo- looked good. I can't believe some of the things he's eaten- gag.
If you know of anything decent in or near where he is I'd like to pass it on him. He might already know, I mean if he knew the Yum Thai area has more foreigners....
Thanks so much. Hope the cooking classes are going well!
Jeannie B
 So people in Suwon. I have a proposal. Find Tighe and give him something good to eat. You can see the stuff that he has been eating on his blog: http://koreatighe.blogspot.com/. Now, I think what he is eating is ok, but his momma doesn't approve. Give him some Korean fried chicken or some bibimbap.

Oh, and click the button to see a very embarrassing picture of Tighe.

Tighe is the taller one. What is he wearing!

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