Warning: Being a Foodie Does Not Mean Being a Glutton

Folks, I think we need to be more aware of the food that we eat and have more control over our needs and desire. These days I am in a good place. Business is good. I have met a person I love and there is plenty of press, accolades, and invites headed in my direction. The only problem is my weight. I am losing the battle here and it is becoming too apparent. No, I am not in the 100 kilo category yet but I know if I don't make some changes, I could easily get there.

So being a food blogger shouldn't mean being a glutton. It should mean that one should be a lover of food and a storyteller of food. It should mean being a curator of restaurants. I feel I have lost focus of that for a while and I need to get better to do that.

I changed the blog format so it would help people find good eats around the city without me having to post everything I eat. It's tiring to do so. I am hoping with this new format that it would give me a chance to share my thoughts that were not in the form of a restaurant review. I have learned so much about the chefs and cuisine here that I would like to share it with you as we'll. Korea is an incredible country. The country that is my home and I am very happy to share all that I have learned here.

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