Seafood Soup and Cockles Bibimbap at Yeonnam Sikdang 연안식당

Seafood soup from yeonnam sikdang 연안식당. It’s the best thing to have in Korea on a frigid day. I think Korea does not get enough credit for their seafood, especially their soups. The daikon radish in the broth just adds something that is light, sweet yet not over powering. The leeks and watercress also add a bit of freshness as well. This soup had clams, red scallops and much more. The restaurant is also famous for their bibimbap made with cockles, chilies, green onions and buchu which is like a chive, but not. If you add some of their special sesame oil it makes it amazing. This restaurant has branches all over but I am a fan of the Mangwon one because the owners are nice. Yeonnam Sikdang 연안식당 [KakaoMap] 연안식당 망원점 134, World Cup-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul

Warning: Being a Foodie Does Not Mean Being a Glutton

Folks, I think we need to be more aware of the food that we eat and have more control over our needs and desire. These days I am in a good place. Business is good. I have met a person I love and there is plenty of press, accolades, and invites headed in my direction. The only problem is my weight. I am losing the battle here and it is becoming too apparent. No, I am not in the 100 kilo category yet but I know if I don't make some changes, I could easily get there.

So being a food blogger shouldn't mean being a glutton. It should mean that one should be a lover of food and a storyteller of food. It should mean being a curator of restaurants. I feel I have lost focus of that for a while and I need to get better to do that.

I changed the blog format so it would help people find good eats around the city without me having to post everything I eat. It's tiring to do so. I am hoping with this new format that it would give me a chance to share my thoughts that were not in the form of a restaurant review. I have learned so much about the chefs and cuisine here that I would like to share it with you as we'll. Korea is an incredible country. The country that is my home and I am very happy to share all that I have learned here.

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