Loving Hut: Vegan restaurant

Hmmmm...I'm in the mood for something Vegan. I think I should check out this restaurant that my friend Chalica wrote about. Here is her take on it.

Vegetarian in Seoul Presents: The Loving Hut
by Chalica Pack

As a vegetarian living in Korea, I have been pretty lucky thus far
finding restaurants that serve non-meat dishes alongside their
meat-based staples. . I've only had to walk out of one restaurant (Who
knew the Turkish weren't vegetarian friendly?) after finding nothing
more than a paltry side salad as my vegetarian option.

Last week, I visited my first all-vegetarian restaurant in Korea. The
Loving Hut is a (fairly) new vegan chain restaurant that has locations
all over the world. At 6pm, the restaurant was already filling up
quickly, so it was clear that Loving Hut is no secret to those looking for tasty vegan meals.

Click here for the rest.

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