
Showing posts from March, 2006

Dung Hat

  "Hey, it could be a big block of cheese! Don't you Judge me!" 

My Mac Setup

  I have a 14inch 133mhz ibook upgraded with 1.25Gigs of RAM. It is plugged into a 19in. Widescreen CMV monitor with a 1400 by 900 aspect ratio? thingy. I'm using that Screen doctor thingy so I've expanded my desktop to both monitors. (See previous posts) I have a 60gig ipod with video on an Altoid's Case Dock. I made it myself and I especially love it because I do not have to take it out of the case to stand it up. I also have a 4Gig ipod Nano and Boss speakers and subwoofer. The sound on the speakers is nice. The bass is full. I also have the Griffin Airclick. It works really well. I use it in my classrooms when I give powerpoint presentations. Oh, and there is the ever important EASY button. 

This is my Alphasmart 3000

  See it's just a keyboard that is great for typing anything. I'm currently using it as my keyboard. You just plug it into your ibook and it'll emulate as your keyboard. After hearing what happened to Zach's Powerbook (12 ounces of coffee into the keyboard.) I'm a little paranoid about putting William (my ibook's name) near even the chance of spillage. Even though the Alphasmart runs on batteries, it'll last for months or years (according to Hana:) 

What in the hell is this?

  Pokemon has gone too far. (Apparently it's a stylus for the gameboy.) 


  For Real, yo. 

I love my ibook.

I am currently using screen spanning doctor.  It is a apple script thtat allows me use my ibook and expand my desktop over to my widescreen LCD display.  I just did a Google search on "expanding my ibook display to another monitor and this blog popped up. It took me all of 2 minutes to accomplish this task.  Actually it took me 15 minutes to unhook my display and to clean my work area because the script places the ibook on the left and the connectedd display on the right. Oh, mad props to the blog that helped me out. Yes, I'll post a picture of my setup tomorrow. Dan

The apostrophe thingy ;;;::::::::********

It:s some stupid glitch. I am going on a search for the apostrophe now. -=-^^^^^~~`~~``~@``Is that it It`s. Nope. ][@}{`,.<>??/~!!"#$% &'('''''''''''' I found it. It's my 7. That's weird and it's really weird having to go to the 7 to use the ' apostrophe. I should be able to configure it. ''''''' Dan

I love my Alphasmart 3000.

Sweet. I LOVE my Alphasmart 3000. An Alphasmart is basically a keyboard with a little screen that you can see up to 4 lines of text. The unit has 256MB and it is powered by batteries. I have had the unit for 2 months now and I have not had to recharge the batteries yet. I have been told by Hana that she had a similar unit and she did not have to change her batteries for about a year. I am currently having some issues with my apostrophe. Watch:::::: That is not an apostrophe. It is probably a glitch or maybe someone is telling me to not use it in the first place. I am currently using Screen Spanning Doctor to expand my ibook desktop to span two screens. Oh, the point I had about the Alphasmart is that I am using it as my keyboard and put my ibook on the shelf. It is pretty versatile. Dan

March 29, 4th Grade Class, Lesson 1- Nice to Meet You.

  1) This class I'm going to do the Role Play. Characters: King, Rabbit, Turtle, Superman, Golem Use the Weather Magnets. Reenact the weather skit. 2) Let's Review. Do the CD rom so they can review. 3) Make them fill in the captions on page 15. 4) Game. Alphabet Relay 2? I'm not sure if I did this in this class or in the last one. If not I need to think of a new game. Dan 
Yeah, it's like that Cheerleader girl taking a topple from the pinnacle of the flesh pyramid. 
It's like from Dante's Purgetory. 
Peaceful 2006 
It's the Seoul National Museum or something. The Ahn Trio are going to be there in May. I have to get tickets.  
What you looking at? 
We all need a buddha in our life. 
This is one sexy automobile. 
A Korean Marriage Hall. The marriages I've gone to had 5 or six different weddings going on in the same building. It's like going to dinner. You wait your turn to get married, then everyone enjoys the 30 minutes or so, but they know they should be considerate to the next guest. So they do the service in like 15 minutes, then everyone rushes around to get group photos. The newly rushed married couple and their parents get shuffled off to a private room to have a private marriage ceremony and all the guests go to eat, buffet style in a giant room that has guests from not just your wedding, but all the guests of the families getting married that day. 
It ain't a Harley, but check out the basket on this mother of a moped. 


Tabasco makes every meal complete. 
Tofu. It's what's for Dinner. This is the dish that I've been making for myself very often these days. It's just thin rice noodles stir fried with curry, vegetables, and tofu. The tofu, I broil with olive oil. It's less mess and the texture is lighter than pan fried. 

Picasa is so cool

  Have you used the multiexposure feature on Picasa? It's pretty bad ass. This is what the pile of St. Patty's Day liquor looked like after I drank it all :) 
I've got the whole world... between my legs. Look I gave birth to Jen, Maggie and Kate :P 

March 28 6th Grade Lesson 6, "Can I have some water."

  Start with some small talk. How is the weather? What did you have for breakfast? 1)Look and listen. It's a dialogue about people asking for water. 2)Listen and Repeat. 3) Then show flashcards and then ask questions like I'm thirsty. Then I'm thirsty but I don't want something sweet. I found that it works better if I tell them it is, "Dan's Department Store." They have to tell me, "I'm thirsty, I'm hungry,I'm bored, I'm sick etc and they ask for something to eat or play or something. 4)Look and speak, listen and repeat. 5)End the class with Man/woman Jigwords to Matchwords to speedwords. 

3rd Grade Class week of March 27th

  Look at the Robot Lobsters aren't they cool? They'll probably be good with a bit of dill butter and lemon. Ok, now onto what I have to do for this week. 3rd Grade. 1. Start with 2 tongue twisters to get the class going: Bad Black Bread A Big Bad Bear's Bed 2. Review "Hello, My name is...." 3: Teach "How are you?" Show pictures of people tired, happy, sad, angry, 4: Game, ask students about how they are. 5: CD rom: Cinderella story, do a short play. Characters are Shim chon- spaceship. Cinderella- Pumpkin Coach Hong- boo-bird Kongee- toad/frog Add Superman - fly I'm so tired. I'm so sad. (Children must pretend to work.) I want to party! (They fly, hop, or skip to the party.) This is fun. (Everyone pretends to eat.) I am happy! The food is delicious. Oh, no! It's 12 O'clock. (Slaps their cheeks like in Home Alone.) I must go home! (They fly, hop or skip back to their seats.) Good-bye. See you again! (Applause) 6: Alphabet Race. A-G...

5th Grade Week of March 20th Chap 1 "Where is Namdaemun"

  Review the alphabet. I'm going to review directions. Go straight. Go left. Go right. Go back. etc. Then they should do exercise 45. Afterwards each row has to do Alphabet relays. Each row will have to go down the line and write a word for each letter of the alphabet. They can write any word. Each person can only write one word for their turn. Then I'm going to do a game like Minesweeper. There are 10 different places they are marked: School Supermarket Disneyworld Church Traffic Candy Store Dan's House Bank Then the bad places: Bomb Voldemort's House Traffic Each team will have to direct a person through the classroom and try to get to a certain destination. If they choose the incorrect one then they will lose. Each team has three people. If they can't get to their destination in 3 tries then they will lose. If there is time then blindfold one student. Two teams only. 

4th Grade week of March 20th Lesson 2 Chp 1

  This class is a continuation of chapter 1 so the first part is Review: How is the weather? It is sunny. It is cloudy. It's raining cats and dogs. etc. Then page 8 Look and Listen 2 and then Listen and Repeat 2. Then it's Let's Chant. Hello Minsu, Hello Ann. It's nice to meet you. It's nice to meet you. It's nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too, yeah. "P Let's do the magnetic activities puzzle pieces. They are actually pretty cool. they are pictures of weather cut in half. I'm going to get them to talk about the weather on each. I'm going to end this class with a flash hangman game from Dan 
Sorry this is the pic of Thor having a brain aneurism.