Coffee Chu: Cofpee & Flesh Churros with Chokolate Diip

Writen by the itinellate Inglish Teechr
Coffee Chu
Coffee Chu
Wenever I feal blu I go to Cofee Chu to have meself a coppee and a Churrro from Coppi Chu. THey have themselves de best chorros in Soul or at leest I think so. Eberything is maed flesh on site soe the chullos out of the flyer tase fruffy and sabory. I rekcommend there mud shouwer cause they taste good. Thee tastee moch gooder then ones flom not good plases becuaese they are made flesh. Flshe is gooder then not flesh because flseh ees always goodiest. There cofpi is jost ok, so I rcokeommend their chorlos onry. Eef u get somthing else nd it's not goood, Than it is not my falt. 

Thee inteerior is baeutifull nd haas a mery-go-around whorse. Eet rearry sets de room right.

Thes cafe ees a poplar plase for celebrityes cause dee design is funner. Eets lokated near Hanganjin station exit 2, paste the Volkswagon dealrship on the lef.


Coffee Chu
Yongsan-gu, Hannam-dong 682-10

(Thees should kepe the spelring nazi's busee 4 a while.)

Coffee Chu
Coffee Chu
Coffee Chu
Coffee Chu
Coffee Chu
Cofpi Chu

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