My Accomplishments in 2009
1. Wrote 691 Blog Posts on 2. Appeared on 48 episodes of the Steve Hatherly Show for TBS eFM. 3. Was the dining editor for Eloquence Magazine for 5 months. 4. Became the dining editor for Groove Magazine. 5. Appeared in an episode of Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern. 6. Helped organize and market the 7th Annual Tteok Festival in Seoul for Dr. Yoon Sook-ja. 7. Met Chef Rachel Yang when she came to the Tteok Festival 8. Met Robyn Lee from Serious Eats when she came to do a story for the Tteok Festival. 9. Met the 9-year old guitar sensation Sungha-jung. 10. Appeared in Gourmet's Diary of Foodie episode: Korea: Ancient world, modern food. 11. Traveled for 3 weeks in America. I started in Seattle and then went to Philadelphia; Winter Haven, Florida; Utah, and then San Francisco, California. 12. I met Jonathon Kauffman from the Seattle Weekly. 13. I met Chef Anna Kim at the Kimchikhan Documentary filming. 14. Was a featured speaker at the G'OAL Adoptee...