How healthy is instant coffee? Brew. Java. Cup of Joe. Whatever you prefer to call your café noir, it may be the healthiest way to start your day. Coffee has been linked to preventing cavities, healthier moods and relieving headaches. A cup of coffee also significantly reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and diabetes. But how healthy is instant coffee, the most beloved beverage of Korea? Instant coffee is drink revered by Koreans, and tolerated, and at times, loathed by (most) ex-pats. Even if instant coffee is not your cup of tea, it continues to be the closest to a drinkable ambassador of Korea (in company with the spirited Soju, of course). Instant coffee, and more specifically coffee mix packets - a blended triumvirate of coffee powder, cream and sugar- are one of the most consumed drinks in Korea. According to Nielson findings, an average Korean guzzle 300 cups of instant coffee a year. Instant coffee is relatively ...