
Showing posts from January, 2016

This is Korean Love: Tuna Kimchi Stew with brown rice, soy braised potatoes, sesame bean sprouts, and steamed egg all made by my lovely wife Yoonie. #love #koreafood #cooking #kimchi

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Dan Can Cook: Buchujeon

  Buchujeon Pancakes are simple and easy to make. The secret is the batter which should be made with half buchu powder and half glutinous rice powder. Of course you could do this with buchu powder and regular flour which would add more crispiness. To make the mix you add ice cold water to the mix and stir till it has the consistency of yogurt. I mean regular yogurt, not Greek. You cut up the buchu, the green onions into a 4 centimeter length and then mix it in with the yogurt consistency mix. Add oil to a pan and then fry till crispy. I like to add an egg on top and then flip it to add a bit of body to the pancake but you can skip that if you'd like. Serve it with a sauce made with 1/2 vinegar, 1/3 soy sauce and some red pepper powder.

Dan Can Cook: Homemade Pasta and Meatball Dinner for under 12,000 won

So adventures in fatherhood continues. My lovely wife and I have become food snobs because of a few recent disasterous food delivery events. I ordered 7th Street Pizza thinking it would be like New York-style pizza. It wasn't. It had sweet sauce and the dough was made of 11 different grains that made it soggy and purple. Pizza is not supposed to be purple. We also did some Kyochon Chicken which was mostly bone and dry. So...we have decided that I would cook. Usually I do a Mediterranean style meals with salads and brown rice but my wife wanted some pasta. So I decided to do some ziti with pork meatballs.  The best part was that this entire meal came to under 15,000 won (about 12 usd) and it was actually enough for about 6 meals and it only took about 30 minutes. At the store I got about 6,000 won worth of ground pork. Ground pork in Korea is quite high quality so I knew it wouldn't be too gamey and it would cook up nicely.   To soak up the extra moisture in the meat balls and ...

Cuban sandwich and Bacon Avocado Sandwiche from @ryepost #ryepost #yummy great bread and toppings.

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Sushi from sushi Lulu by Isu Station. It's Korean sushi good which means you need to eat it with a spoon for the rice is too wet. They have big cuts of fish though. Overall, meh #sushi #isu #japanese #seouleats

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Everest Nepalese Food at Yeongdeunpo Station

So the other day I back to eat at the first Indian restaurant I ate at in Korea: Ganga. It has remained what it was at the beginning an expensive novelty that quelled that desire for Indian food. I mean at first it is fine but then you realized you dropped 50 dollars on 2 curries and some naan. When I was in college Indian food was filling and cheap (for I had no money). For good Indian food full of spice that doesn't break the bank I go to Everest. There is one by Dongdaemun but I found one also by Yeongdeunpo Station. Here I got some awesome chicken masala and palak paneer for only 20,000 won. Not bad and it is a good stop in place.  Everest Restaurant Seoul Yeongdungpo Yeongdungpo 423-103 02-3667-8848 공식 Naver Map:  에베레스트 레스토랑 서울특별시 영등포구 경인로 838-1 서울특별시 영등포구 영등포동 423-103

The iPad Pro is not the Computer I have been Waiting For

In Homeresque fashion let me say, "doh!" IOS as an operating system is not quite ready for prime time, the battery takes forever to charge, its heavy, and its multitasking functions are handicapped. It will need another couple reiterations before its ready for real work. So...for right now I have a very nice entertainment tablet with a pen that will allow me to e inner artist thats in me in the future (I could have done this just as easily with a decent sketchbook and an array of pencils.) Sigh... It's not a complete waste. The tablet is fast and some tasks on it like going through my Flickr account is much faster. For note taking apps with the pencil, its just gimmicky. I want to like it but I can't really justify the high price for something I used to accomplish with paper and a pen.  Also, the IOS versions of Movies and Garageband are stunted as well and I'm just not used to using them yet. Maybe I will be able to find some workarounds but I just n...

French toast with bacon made for the wife. #cooking #breakfast #bacon

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Dan Can Cook: Bacon, Kimchi and Siracha Bibimbap!

Bacon Siracha Bibimbap! Having a kid makes you have to cook at home. Babies don't want to travel to some restaurant and then sit as adults gab and eat chow. Yeah, they are not into it. So...I cook at home and now I cook more healthy stuff. I am all about the brown rice these days and I've been doing healthier meals that are fast and convenient for myself and the misses. Last week I was lucky since my buddy Chad made some bacon. He cured and smoked his own bacon therefore he is AOK in my book. My Korean wife finds that it is a bit too salty so more bacon for me. So with the bacon I decided to make a fast bibimbap with some kimchi, egg and bacon. Bacon Eggs and Kimchi It was pretty simple to make and I did it with minimal oil. I cooked the bacon first and then used the bacon fat to cook the onions and egg. I added kimchi to the pan to heat it up.  Bacon, Kimchi and Siracha Bibimbap

홈메이드 오트밀 호떡 레시피

예보 오트밀로 홈메이드 호떡 만들기! Home made oatmeal hotteok

예보43 라이프스타일

43가지 필수영양소가 들어있는 간편하고, 맛있는 예보. #예보43라이프스타일 간편하게 예보로 필수영양소 섭취하고, 소중한 당신의 시간도 절약하세요.

2015 was a great year

Hazell Dear Readers, Korea has been a trip and I think the big adventure is about to get started. 11 years ago I came to Korea with less than $500 dollars in my pocket, a mountain of credit card debt, a dream and not much else. I came to Korea because I had the urge to travel the world. After graduating university from the awesome University of Delaware  I had school loans out the wazoo and no real plan on how to pay them. I tried to get a "corporate job" but I was rejected because I had "no experience." For a few months I lived as a hippie artist writing and working as a barista at the Brew Ha Ha! Then when the bank loans kicked in I started working 7 days a week morning and night as a waiter, cook and barista at a number of different places because I was determined to pay off my school loan within a year. It was about 15,000 USD and I would go into the bank once a week reeking like coffee, grease and sweat dropping $300- $1000 dollars, whatever I could. I w...

Congratulations to Joshua and Borami on their wedding today. #wedding #seoul @winekorea88

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Chinese Food Feast at the Grand Intercontinental Hotel in celebration of a baby's first birthday. Great food selection and I loved the fried eel and abalone. #chinesefood

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The spinach orecchiette from doughroom. Al dente with subtle spinach notes dusted with Parmesan and tossed in golden olive oil. Delightful. #foodpoetry #pasta #bestofseouleats

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Desserts from doughroom by Soigné. Doughroom is an amazing pasta restaurant where they make pasta to order and their desserts are classy and delicious. I loved the salted caramel chocolate cake with cherry Icecream the most but the lemon polenta with lemon sorbet did not disappoint. Their pistachio icecream was incredible as well. Yum. #fat #bestofseouleats #dessert

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Amazing pasta at a friends house with imported porcini mushrooms. #seouleats #pasta #homemade

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Our company went for some craftbeers and pub fare at Gastropub by Seoraemaul. Food was alright. Looked good but a bit sweet for me. Beer selection was right on. I had a decent pale ale and IPA. #beer

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Ribeye steak from Steak 59. Pretty dang good steak. Cooked medium and very tender #steak #seouleats

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Pasta course at steak 59. Eggplant Gratin and Squid Ink Pasta

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Tuna cheek and other parts from the head sashimi. It might sound gross but it is a delicacy and soooo flavorful. #yum #sashimi #tuna

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Jjampong is a dish I have grown to love. It's a lo mein with lots of seafood in a nuclear broth. When I go eat with the wife, she orders this while I get fried rice and then share. It's one of the advantages of being married. #marriedlife #koreanfood #짬뽕

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My favorite soy crab place is at Busan Aggu. Look at all that roe! Damn! #koreanfood #foodtour

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Hmmm... I am in the mood for a good burger and it looks like Johnny Rockets has come to Korea. This one is at the express bus terminal. Should I eat some excessive calories? Hmmm. I think I would rather go to Brooklyn Burger. #seouleats #splurge #iamonadiet

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Having a few Russian beers at CCCP #russia #baltika #beer

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Lamb skewers by isu station. Good times and good meat! #lamb #bbq #isu

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Pancake promotion for the New Original Pancake House in Itaewon!

Repost this on your Instagram and tag it with @pancakekorea and you can win a gift of 3 scrumptious buttermilk pancakes from the new original pancake house in Itaewon. Available to the first 30 people. Email to find out if you win. Thank you, the Original Pancake House Itaewon for the gifts. The new place is in the center of Itaewon street under the coffeesmith #originalpancakehouse #seouleats #pancakes #chickenandwaffles #dutchpancake via Instagram