Say what! Behind the Express Bus terminal in Seoul, next to the Marriot Hotel, there is a Nolboo restaurant that serves "Sulfur Duck Roasted in Mud." It is called the 놀부 유화오리 진홁구이. At this restaurant you get duck that's fed sulfur and then stuffed with sticky brown rice, black rice, sweet potato, beans, ginko, dae-chu (it's a Korean plum), deer antler!, ginseng, licorice, angelica, and who knows what else. The reasoning behind the sulfur is: the direct contact with sulfur is a dangerous substance for all mammals other than ducks. I can't really explain it. Here's what I got from another blog, "According to a widely believed oriental medical theory, sulfur can be super healthy for human body. It is because, as the theory goes, ducks’ bodies produce a lot of good elements that counteract the effects of sulfur, which neutralize in human bodies as well as working against polluting elements." Yeah, I don't know. It sounds a wee bit like fan deat...