
Showing posts from 2016

Dreaming of the linguine-like noodles from Boksunggak

This is now my favorite jajangmyeong place and the noodles are epic. The noodles are thin and think like linguine yet silky smooth. The sauce is tangy, deep and flavorful. I could eat here until I explode. Here is what Chef Suntae who introduced me to the place. "This place has thin and linguine-like noodle that sops up the delicious black sauce." This is 'Boksunggak' recommended by chef Suntae Kim. * Boksunggak * Address: Seoul Seodaemun-gu Myongmul 1gil 24 * Phone: 0507-1416-1522

Nostalgic, fun lunch at Sujak Bansang

Had a comforting Korean meal at Sujak Bansang 수작반상 by hapjeong station. All the banchan are made in house and they are creative in the presentation. Not exactly fusion, but not traditional.  It's nostalgic, fun fare. #koreanfood #hapjeong #seouleats 마포구 서교동 484-25 

No Carb, Creamy Avocado Omelette

Creamy Avocado Omelette! It's something you can do with overripe avocados. Just mash them, add some salt, olive oil, lime juice and two eggs. Just pan fry with very little oil. It's delicious and creamy. #avocado #seouleats #cooking #breakfast #nocarbs 

Bowl of Beef Noodles from Soi Yeonnam

Had the famous beef noodles from Soi Yeonnam. Its a satisfying bowl of noodles like no other in Korea but it is a tad on the sweet side. The beef is incredibly tender and flavorful and I like their somtam, but it could be spicier. #seouleats #korea #yeonnamdong  Seoul, Mapo-gu Yeonnam-dong 229-67  Ph 02-323-5130

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Teaser Trailer

I can't wait for this! WOW! So great!

A Day with some curry, kamjatang and pollack soup

A Day with some curry, kamjatang and pollack soup

Artistic Pork Belly Feast from Yunssi Grill Room 윤씨그릴방

Artistic Pork Belly Feast from Yunssi Grill Room 윤씨그릴방 via YouTube Capture

TASTING Royce Nama Chocolate

TASTING Royce Nama Chocolate So good and worth going to Japan for.

Is the Cuban Sandwich at Cuban Kings worth your time?

Having a Cuban sandwich with tomato soup at Cuba Kings. Soup is great. Has some toasted rice on top and it is nicely spiced with decent body. The sandwich would have been great if it was freshly toasted instead of premade and briefly heated. Meh. #cuban #koreanfood #seouleats A photo posted by Seoul Eats By Yoonie and Danny (@seouleats) on Nov 25, 2016 at 7:09pm PST The sandwich would have been great if they made it fresh. The tomato soup was wonderful and I loved the toasted rice bits in it. Not bad. Not Bad. Dan

Cooking for Hazellbaby

As a new father with a quickly growing daughter, I had learned to adapt quickly in order to feed my little spawn. She has gone through the milk phase and then just rice phase and now she wants flavor. Well...flavor with some compromises. I have to get nutrients into my little girl while also making food fun. After all, I do have a reputation to uphold.  Feeding a baby is a fun challenge. Of course my little carrot would love to eat ice cream all day. Seriously. She loves soft serve ice cream, it is not very nutritious and I don't want her consuming so much sugar. She would also love strawberries all the time but at 20,000 won per container its not a viable snack.  My little meatball does love tofu but tofu is a tad salty. She also likes eggs, spinach and noodles. Actually, she likes a lot of food but they must be in a fun form factor for her to enjoy them.  Take carrots. She could take them or leave them. I could boil them and mash them but that ...

Chongusuk Kalguksu

For the last year I have been involved in a startup called iFood Korea in which I work with my foodie friends. Our goal was to created a curated food community by industry professionals. We have been supporting the chef's community by asking the restaurants they like and then sending our teams to make content about it. I will be sharing some of the content here as well. I hope you will go out and enjoy eating at the different places the chefs recommend.  Content created by @marketsqkr on instagram "You can have both lots of clams and handmade chewy noodle in Kalguksu. I go here whenever i want to have a good soup." This is 'Chongusuk Kalguksu' recommended by chef Mihwa Kim. * Chongusuk Kalguksu * Address: Seoul Youngsan-gu Itaewonro 55gagil 12-1 * Phone: 02-796-6204  Google Map Link:  12-1 Itaewon-ro 55ga-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul

Life as a Dad

Life has been busy these days because I am a dad. The only person that gets a hot meal in my house is my daughter. It's all good though since she is so cute.

Running a Bar in Korea

Somehow I have owned a bar for nearly 4 years now and we haven't closed. It's some sort of accomplishment in a way. It's not an easy accomplishment and over the years we have gathered up a group of regulars that are friendly with each other. I guess it is a sort of dependency in a way. It's kind of like trying to throw a party every night but you don't know who will show. I think they originally came for the beer but now they come for the company. When a bar becomes your bar, you become bold, comfortable and a bit real. Sometimes the real has exploded into fights and arguments. Generally that's not always the case. I always worry about the bar since anything can happen. Luckily it hasn't been anything serious. Anyway... let's see if we can keep it going a few more years.

Krista's Great Day in Seoul

Krista's Great Day in Seoul Here is a food tour that we did for our guest, Krista. Thank you so much for dining with us!

Family Adventure in Okinawa

Family Adventure in Okinawa Hi everyone, this is Daniel Gray from South Korea and I wanted to tell you about our family trip to Okinawa Japan. Was it good? Is it good for babies? Watch to find out! Dan @seouleats

Fried chicken and beer

I was with friends yesterday and had some amazing fried chicken by Hyewha. I will find out the name if you comment or follow instagram @marketsqkr to find out soon. Here is the info seouleats Content created by  @marketsqkr "The chicken was marinated before frying so it was much tastier and very tender. It was served with satisfyingly thick potato wedges. Nice." This is 'Gaeyeolsa' recommended by chef Suntae Kim. * Gaeyeolsa * Address: Seoul Jongno-gu Dongsung-dong 31-32 * Phone: 02-744-9982 Instagram Dan

Happy Pepero Day 11/11

Go buy some pepero and give them someone you love.

After Trump's Morning Hangover

So, like many others in the world, I was shocked to hear that Trump was elected. I drank with some friends a tad too much talking about he state of the world and about the state of America. I think that Trump being elected is a wake up call to the media and the world: people want change or... people don't care. 46.9% of eligible voters did not vote. 25.6 voted for Clinton and 25.5% voted for Trump. We can blame the electoral college but come on... nearly half of the people said they don't care. Maybe they are optimistic like I will be. I kinda blame myself. I didn't rally others to my cause nor use Facebook as my pallet. I just sat back and watched the circus. Imagine how many billions of dollars of resources and time were wasted on this election? It's all a mess. The system is broken, this guy says he can fix it. I can only pray for the best. As an American overseas, I can just live my way as an immigrant and hope the actions of a country across the sea w...

Time for a Macbook Upgrade?

My favorite apple computer I have ever had was my first. It was a 12inch white iBook. It was small, portable and fast. That was 12 years ago. Since then I have had several apple laptops and imacs. My last apple was a Macbook pro I bought in 2009. I am waiting to upgrade but I don't know which one to get. I am actually interested in getting the last generation Macbook pro or even the last generation Macbook air. I still like the idea of ports.  However, some new research about the new skylake processors may make me go for the new macbooks. Skylake processors might allow wireless charging. Also I think the extra large trackpad might be there so it can be used with a pencil input.  I had the iPad pro and pencil and I liked the pencil. I didn't like anything else about the tablet but I did like the pencil.  I think Apple is still working on improvements but won't reveal them until they are ready unlike...

Art Exhibition and Harvest Unplugged Concert Tonight

Hey all come by today to Gallery S P A C E 35 for Lee Jongin's art exhibition from 2pm and come by for the harvest unplugged concert at 7pm with Mimi Roh, John Patrick Starling and TC Costello. It is close to Anguk Station exit 4. 

Artist Lee Jeongin's Any Given Place

Artist Lee Jeongin's Any Given Place Hongdae artist Lee Jeongin was the winner of an art exhibition and digital marketing campaign to help share her paintings with Korea and the world. Here she talks about her inspirations and her goals. This event is being sponsored by Hyunhee Shin and iFood Korea.

Fat Korean Food Trends

Koreans are getting fatter these days and part of that reason is the influence of western foods - especially dairy. Cream, butter and cheese are trending food products and it is coming around in various forms such as snacks, meals, drinks and toppings. These days you'll find that many barbecue and hot pan grilling shops (like dakgalbi or pork rib joints) will offer cheese as a topping. Koreans tend to wish to indulge a bit more. Nowadays no-carb eating is becoming more popular so more people are eating proteins and cheese is thought of as a non-carb food. Unfortunately, many of the cheeses are processed (including the mozzarella) so dining no-carb in Korea can be a tad difficult. Another attributing factor is the rise of the "singles" lifestyle. Many more people are choosing to stay single so they tend to indulge more and these new types of food are considered comforting. There have been a rise in western-style cocktail bars where bartenders will talk with you...

Cheese Rice Beer!?

So Makgeolli is sorta creamy and milky since it has rice in it. So I guess it would make sense to make it cream cheese flavored, right? I mean the banana Makgeolli from guksangdang is delicious. It is so good in fact that I could see myself just walking around town with a bottle. ( I would if I had no class.) As for this one, I decided to skip on it. Maybe next time. Dan

The iPad is NOT a computer replacement device

I had hoped that the awesomely powerful iPad Pro 12.9 could be my go-to computer. It was supposed to be a creative machine that I could use to compose letters and articles, take and edit photos, take and edit video and much more. It was a failure. For one the 12.9 is too large to use it on the go and I was constantly afraid of dropping it. You can't type on it well unless you are sitting. The Apple Pencil is cool but I lost one so it cost money replacing and then I was constantly paranoid I would lose it again so I rarely used it. Charging via the 12 watt charger was glacial. Now it was powerful but being stuck in the iOS ecosystem didn't make it particularly useful. I spent money on apps trying to get it to do what my computer could do better. The iPad was good for two things: games and watching movies which killed my productivity. So... not very good. Anyway, Apple is supposed to do a MacBook refresh in 5 days. I am waiting. My 2009 MacBook is still fine but it isn...

Hazellbaby eats broccoli and shrimp

Hazellbaby eats broccoli and shrimp I prepared breakfast for my baby. She is loving brocolli and i had some nice potatoes so i boiled them and made a soup with some chopped shrimp. Will she eat it? Watch to find out.

Cooking for Hazell: tofu chicken soup, jumokbap rice balls and homemade apple sauce. #dadslife

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Had an excellent meal at Gastrotong with friends

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Kimchi Mandu from eunma market

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Here is my funky roasted kim lady from gyeongdong market. #맛있어

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Wifey asked me to get an air filter machine for the house. I suggested we get a Groot instead. This one is only $1800 usd. #marvel #Groot #husband

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I love this Chocolate Macadamia Milk in an nostalgic bottle. #연세우유

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Yum! Cinnamon Raison Rolls from Tomi Bakery #korea #seouleats

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Coffee in Jeonju at Chawa

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Green Tea Bingsu from Hongdae! #dessert #koreanfood

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Wife... I made this for you (lemon- watercress abalone rice pasta) #doghouse #love?

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Made some handmade pasta for Baby Hazell. Yum!

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Day drinking in Korea

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Eat mo' cheese fondue dakgalbi #냠냠

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Korean Baekban Lunch in Mullaedong

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Food Crimes: Butter-flavored Milk from GS25

So I tried the butter latte. It's like popcorn butter mixed with snot. If you add it to coffee it makes your coffee taste like lobsters gone bad dipped in butter #foodcrime #buttermilk #seouleats 

Xiaolongbao at DaeHan Shijang in Yeonnamdong. Just alright but good for Korea (they don't do it very well) #seouleats

It's hard to get great Chinese food in Seoul. Daehan Shijang is famous for their xaolong bao but they weren't soupy this time. Sigh. Their other dishes were good though. Maybe they just had a bad day.  via Instagram

Cupcakes from Chikalicious in Hondae #dessert #korea

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Agujeong Rodeo Craft Market today until 6pm. Come out! #korea

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Hazell plays with water and the water plays back. #lol #babyshower #babyoftheday

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Press Release: Hotel Cappuccino Restaurant Hot Eatsue Launches New Fusion Street Food Menu

Pork Chops with Chili Sauce Asian Chicken Salad at Eatsue Asian Chicken Salad GANGNAM – Hot Eatsue has announced a colorful new menu inspired by street food from around the world. Located on the 17th floor of urban lifestyle destination Hotel Cappuccino, the restaurant uses fresh ingredients to playfully showcase internationally renowned comfort foods in a casual setting, all while offering stunning views of Gangnam and N Seoul Tower. The wide variety of flavors and presentations takes diners on a culinary journey around the globe, with dishes such as Thai Spicy Coconut Curry with Crab or Japanese Cold Soba with Abalone and Natto. Meanwhile, other menu items are bold and cross-cultural, such as the Soy-flavored Wagyu Steak with Rice, or Tarako Pasta served with salted pollack roe. A highlight of Hot Eatsue and a favorite of many street food enthusiasts is its popular series of dishes featuring fresh ingredients cooked hot off the grill. For meat lovers, the speci...