The Korean Winter is unforgiving demon. When they came up with euphemism, colder than a witch’s…glance…yeah…glance; what they should have said was, “It’s as cold as a Korean winter.” In Korea the winters get cold. I don’t know why but it must be something about this side of the world. I met a woman the other day and she was from Dubai. She had never experienced a winter before and I gave her a laundry list of tips for getting through the season. I talked to her on a Sunday and warned her, repeatedly, that the first really cold day was going to come soon, but she seemed to brush it off as the crazed rants of a lunatic. Sure enough the next time I saw her, she looked like that kid from the movie the Christmas story. She had a big floppy hat with earmuffs, a huge jacket that looked like fur or something lining it, fuzzy boots, mittens, and a scarf that was easily a meter and a half long. This woman was petite and slim but now she looked like an oompa loompa. She told me that she wished sh...