,Here's something that's been on my mind for a while and it has errked me to no end. IF I EVER SEE ANYONE WATERING DOWN MY COFFEE AT DUNKIN DONUTS AGAIN THEN I WILL SHOVE BERETS THOSE YOU WEAR WHERE THE SUN DON'T SHINE. When I think of Dunkin Donuts, I think of Denis Leary who said: Been in Dunkin' Donuts lately? The last bastion of coffee-flavored coffee? It's gone. Forget about it. You walk in there now, there's people wearing berets, they're writing poetry on computers, there's a kid behind the counter: "Would you like a coffee kuhlata?" Fuck no! www.blowme.com! Coffee Kuhlata -- what the hell is that all about? Man, when I was a kid, Dunkin Donuts had two things -- coffee, and donuts, and that WAS IT! You took the donut, you dunked it in the cofee, thus the fuckin title of the place! Duuuuuuuuuukin DONUTS! That's all the had, donuts and coffee, nothing else, no ice, no napkins, no soda, no salt, no pepper, no parfait, no croissants, ...